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2018-09-19 Chronicles
Column 8: The registered letter

Choosing the name of a product is no trifling matter. Not only does the name have to sound good, but it must also be unique and evocative, so as to anchor itself in the minds of consumers. And it must be legally available to be registered as a trademark. At the beginning, the cannery was […]

2018-09-19 Chronicles
Column 7: Mr. Grisé’s prediction

Lassonde’s archives contain a news article from the 1950s in which there is a picture of a group of employees at work. Busy at the tomato sorting and peeling table or the bean sorting table, they had smiles on their faces – and not just for the photo. “I had a lot of fun at […]

2018-09-19 Chronicles
Column 6: A great ally

Like other small merchants of his day, Aristide Lassonde had to take to the road, travelling from one village to the next to sell his canned goods. In the city, housewives did their shopping at the butcher, the baker, the dairy and public markets. Retail chains were on the horizon but hadn’t yet taken off […]

2018-09-19 Chronicles
Column 5: The first label

The cannery finally opened its doors in Rougemont in 1918, all set to preserve tomatoes and beans grown by local farmers. And that remained Lassonde’s core business until 1959. But since it was not the only cannery to ply its wares, Aristide Lassonde wondered how he might encourage housewives to choose his canned tomatoes rather […]

2018-09-19 Chronicles
Column 4: Baptismal names, common names and nicknames

People who do genealogical research know that parish records can hold some real surprises. Given names and surnames are often spelled differently or shortened from one official document to another – and sometimes nicknames are used. This was often the case in the 19th and early 20th centuries. For instance, someone named Anne-Élisabeth Desrochers appears […]

2018-09-19 Chronicles
Column 3: Building houses – and a factory

The farmer’s life was clearly not for Aristide Lassonde. In 1910, he sold his land on Rang Double and moved to the outskirts of the village, where he bought a large lot. A new project was taking shape in his mind. With the help of Georgianna, he set about bringing it to fruition, surmounting the […]

2018-09-19 Chronicles
Column 2: Return to Rougemont

Lassonde’s history begins in 1918…or does it? Didn’t everything start with a meeting and a marriage of two young French Canadians in 1896? At the time they were living in Massachusetts with their family, seeking a better life just like many of their compatriots. What did Georgianna Darcy and Aristide Lassonde have in common? Good […]

2018-09-19 Chronicles
Column 1: A rendezvous

Lassonde is celebrating its centenary this year. Our history spans 100 years, 10 decades and four generations of entrepreneurs. Over the years, the company has employed thousands of workers, first in Quebec, then elsewhere in Canada and, more recently, in the United States. Few Quebec companies can boast that kind of track record! As we […]